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【原文作者】----王建民加油站ia fW4Pl

【譯  者】玩票小m 王建民譯文專區 / www.wangfans.com
【原文標題】Kuo flipping the bat, reason see inside
【中文標題】小小郭甩棒的理由 (道奇球迷討論區文章)w.W"GBDq"h)I




From: hansioux
  WPosts: 74

Others have mentioned flipping the bat is common among Asian Players. Reason can be seen in the Video Clip of the Back to Back to Back video clip

已經有人在板上提到過, 甩棒對亞洲球員是很平常的事. 理由呢, 可以從影帶的全壘打三連發中看出端倪

When Betemit and Kemp hit their homerun, after they swing pass the front shoulder, they have let go the bat with their back hand, pulling the bat with only one hand (for left handed batters their left, the right handed batters their right hand). So when it comes to running, they just drop that hand and start running.
在Betemit 和 Kemp 擊出他們的全壘打時,  當他們的球棒揮到超過前側肩膀 (靠近球棒前端的肩膀), 他們必需放開後側肩膀那一手, 只靠單手將球棒推到底 (左打者的左手會先離開球棒, 右打者的右手會先離開球棒). 所以到了要起跑的時候, 只要以持棒的那隻手讓球棒掉落下去,  就可以跑壘了.


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Asian players were taught not to let go off the bat.

So you can see Kuo pulling the bat with both his left and right hand. When you following through with your back hand still gripping the bat, the only course is up. You would have to bring the bat back up to shoulder level as you complete the rotate.
所以你可以看見郭泓志揮棒推到底時, 他的左右兩手還是握住棒子. 當你在揮擊過程中, 如果你後側肩膀那隻手仍舊緊握著棒子, 那麼球棒唯一可以移動的路逕是往上跑. 你在完成全部揮擊動作時, 就必需把球棒送回到肩膀高度.

And what happens at this point when you starts running? You'd flip the bat. Because of you don't and just let the bat go, your momentum might flip the bat backwards and hit the catcher and the umpire., so a little forward flip brings the bat the other way, so it won't hit anyone.
在這種情況下, 如果你要開始跑壘, 會發生什麼事? 你必需把球棒 "拋" 開 (註 : 而不是前面的 "讓棒子掉落下去"). 因為如果你不是有意將它拋開, 而是讓球棒自然飛出, 你的揮棒的慣性作用會導致球棒向後飛, 結果砸到捕手或是裁判., 所以, 使一點力將球棒往前面方向拋出, 可以改變球棒的飛行方向, 以免砸到任何人.



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It's as simple as that.


Even hitters like Ichiro keep his both hands on the bat all the way through the rotation and he is already not like most of the Asian hitters. It's what they teach you when you are a kid and very unlikely to change.
即使是像鈴木一朗這種已經不再雷同大部份亞洲打擊者的球員, 他還是保持打擊扭轉上半身時兩手都握住球棒的習慣. 這是在兒童時代就被教成的習慣, 不太可能改變.


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